A Writing & Copy Coaching Community

Membership for creative business owners who want to build strong writing habits and write copy, content, and books that connect, stand out, and sell.

You’ll love this online writing space if…

  • You run a business and spend a lot of time serving others and little time creating content or writing the stuff that lights your soul on fire

  • You’re a new copywriter and looking for website writing templates, guides, and swipe files to get started

  • You’ve got a lot of writing to do — website copy, sales pages, blogs, books, or newsletters (or all of these!)

  • Your inner critic is loud AF, and you’re wasting a lot of time self-editing and censoring your voice

  • You feel like you can only write if you’re “inspired,” — which is fun, but you have writing to do and a business to grow

  • You haven’t sent a newsletter in months because you don’t know what to say

  • You’d love to start a blog or write your book but don’t know where to start

black and white photo of a woman writing on a laptop with a stack of notebooks nearby

Isolation, Pressure, and Struggle aren’t going to make online writing any easier.

This writing community is for you if you’re a …

Coach or consultant

Copywriter, ghostwriter, or content creator

Author (or aspiring one)

Course Creator

Web or Brand Designer

Author (or aspiring one)

Spiritual Entrepreneur



and you have A LOT of writing to do

But writing keeps falling to the bottom of your to-do list.

You’re procrastinating on writing your blog, website copy, book, or social media content. Even if you’ve blocked the time on your calendar or tried creating accountability groups with friends, the truth is the writing that will move your business forward isn’t happening.

Whatever you’re writing, you want to get it done and get it out there — because the space it’s taking up in your brain is exhausting.

And besides, those pages of unpublished writing aren’t growing your business any faster.

It’s where I show up when I don’t know what to do next.
— member

You’re not messing around anymore.

You’re ready to boost your online writing skills & create strong writing habits.

  • Write website copy that connects and converts

  • Create consistent content for your blog, newsletter, and social media

  • Start (and finish) your big writing projects like books and ebooks

  • Repurpose your writing in clever ways to attract new readers and grow your audience

  • Stand out online while feeling completely authentic

  • Find a rhythm for your writing that works for you

Turn the faucet on and let your words flow.

Imagine seeing a week’s worth of content ready to post — in advance.

Feeling proud to hold your book in your hands.

Scrolling your website copy, you’re excited to share the link.

Your blog is connecting with readers and your inbox is filled with potential clients.

You can pitch that podcast or speaking gig, knowing you can authentically describe what you do.

Finally … you can show up as the badass you know you can be — with words that feel and sound like you!

I’ve rediscovered my love for writing.

It’s been a while since I’ve been writing so much and having so much fun!
— Member

We’re not the overwhelmed, frustrated, tormented kind of writers.

We write & post easily with grounding and sustainable practices.

When you’re in alignment with your authentic self, the words flow. Writing is your self-care, your Epson salt bath, your salty dark chocolate.

You’re writing consistent blog content, social media posts, and even book chapters.

You have focused and (lightly) structured community writing time to give you the accountability to get your important writing work done.

People resonate with what you have to say, and you’re getting more clients in the door just by sharing the words that are on your heart.

You’re developing your writing voice and can see how your words impact your readers and how they connect with your (new and amazing) customers.

“I’ve found so much value in the weekly co-writing sessions. I didn’t realize how much I needed it.
I signed up for accountability. You make the schedule & I show up to write.
Easy enough. (I needed a kick in the 🍑 to rekindle my side-gig that I had shoved on a back burner during 2020.)”

- Member


The world needs you + your words.

”My words have literally shifted shoppers to customers that say "YES" and pay.”

This writing community is the antidote to writer’s block — for conscious & creative entrepreneurs

Writing with us may cause:

  • More aligned clients

  • Endless inspiration

  • A consistent writing practice

  • Business growth

  • Authentic messaging on social media

  • A blog that engages your readers

  • Published books

  • Radical life shifts & transformation


This community isn’t about consuming hours of training.

This is a space that focuses on DOING. With regular live writing sessions, monthly workshops, and support right where you need it.

We learn, and then we implement. But mostly, we DO.

We create before we consume.

If you want to write more, write to connect, write to sell, and enjoy it more — you’ll like it here.

My soul is feeling a little lighter but also fuller and more rounded since joining the Writing Community.

The co-writing sessions give me permission to sit down and write and leave everything else for another time.

Hearing what others are working on is motivating and helps me tap into my creativity. I’m realizing that there aren’t any wrong answers and that truly anything is possible (and not crazy).

Sounds corny, I know... but I wanted to share that with you and thank you.
— Member

Writing with us is like infusing light into every word.

Jacqueline Fisch, writing community teacher & leader wearing a green collared shirt

Meet your teacher & writing coach — Jacqueline Fisch

I’m Jacqueline, an author and copywriting coach for creative business owners who want to learn how to write authentically and connect with their readers.

I’m also a mom (read: multitasking, yoga-pant-wearing, top-knot, and Uber driver for my kids’ best lives).

I'm very much in the trenches of real-life business and copywriting and I know how challenging it is to find the time to focus on writing for your business — while serving clients, showing up consistently on social media, creating regular blog content, and even writing and publishing books. Only to saunter into the kitchen and realize the tofu is still frozen. 

I created The Intuitive Writing School community to provide the time, space, and container for entrepreneurs to finish the writing that will grow their business and fulfill their soul’s passion.

When you join us, you’re writing side-by-side with me.

I also offer members behind-the-curtain peeks at my writing process.

Members know that clear writing is what makes a difference in their business.

The thing members have in common — they’re dedicated to creating an impact.


This writing community is for you if:

  • You want to feel confident sharing the link to your website

  • You’re working long hours for your clients and craving clarity and creativity for yourself

  • You’re ready to finally embrace progress over perfection and put your words out into the world

  • You’ve learned plenty from courses, workshops, and books, and now you’re itching to roll up your sleeves and practice

  • You see writing as self-care — you feel better and even have a bounce to your step when writing and publishing consistently

  • You find yourself in flow, in your genius zone when you’re writing, and know that when you invest more time and energy into it, you’ll get results in your business

The Intuitive Writing School Community is not just a library of audio and video training for you to consume and writing guides to follow (although we have dozens of those, too).

It's a step-by-step, hold-my-hand and tell-me-what-to-do-next, get on-demand feedback and real-life results in your business writing with copywriting, content creation, book writing, and more.

And even if you’ve taken all the writing and creativity courses, this community is different.

We write with nature’s rhythms.

Writing is a sustainable practice when you follow the guidance we already have from nature. We’ll talk about the moon, the seasons, energy, and menstrual cycles (if you have one — definitely not a requirement) to flow with writing.

  • “I love that the community is not only about writing, but about living a great life and listening to your intuition and energy.”


  • “I feared my writing would suck compared to others, and now I'm proud of my growing confidence in my writing. It's an amazingly supportive environment that makes writing less intimidating for entrepreneurs. In just 2 months, I did a ton of brainstorming for a course, new Welcome, About Me, & Work With Me pages, and newsletters and blog posts. Everyone is so friendly and open to giving and receiving feedback. I also really enjoy the diversity of events and the template library. It's all there for you to have this tremendous foundation for writing support and success.”

    Kimberly, Life & Health Coach

  • “I've been inspired in so many ways on how to build a great creative and intuitive lifestyle while I'm still at the beginning of what will hopefully be a long career.”


  • “I love being part of the Intuitive Writing Community. It is a clear space to be, to write, and without even trying, you'll find yourself making tons of progress! This is the most easy-going and down-to-earth place to write and grow! I went from inconsistently struggling to write to writing daily with or without the group. It makes writing doable and pleasure-filled! It's nice knowing you aren't alone, and everyone in the group is working towards something and supporting each other.”

    Orly, Soul Mentor & Confidence Coach

  • “In the writing community, Jacqueline mets you where you're at — no matter your writing experience, she always has an answer. The resources help you get going with your writing, and the co-writing sessions help you to get into flow or past resistance easily.”

    Wilco, Health Coach

  • “I am new to the community but it already feels like the right place for me. I thought I was joining to "get the writing done" for my business. But now I feel like I have reopened an old way of being creative and having fun through writing that I had forgotten somewhere along the way. I'm excited to keep exploring where my writing will take me and I have Jacqueline & the Community to thank for giving me the intentional space to focus on it!”  Torey, FAM Educator & Cycle Health Coach

    Torey, FAM Educator & Cycle Health Coach

The Intuitive Writing School Logo in gold and white

“My website copy just flowed this time around. It was incredibly easy to write (which I credit to the writing sessions and your ability to teach us that writing doesn't have to be complicated).”

Elizabeth, life coach


 As part of the writing community:

  • Get accountability to get your writing done with regularly scheduled co-writing sessions

  • Never stay stuck with on-demand writing feedback

  • Create compelling, feel-good content to make posting and publishing easy

  • Build massive momentum in your business or make progress on your book

  • Save time and precious brainpower with focused work

  • Community and connection with light-filled souls just like you with similar goals


This online writing community is an introvert and highly sensitive people-friendly space.

As business owners and writers, we spend a lot of time alone — so we get you. Members have called this space a lifeline during lonely times.

This is truly a come-as-you-are space. We use Zoom with audio only for all calls.

Writing in a community is inspiring and energizing — especially when you see what you’ll create when you focus for a few hours. You’ll get the momentum to get ahead, giving you more energy for creativity, and be able to show up even better for your clients and even your friends and family.

handwriting in black marker "more writing. less drama" next to a small green plant

  • “The writing space Jacqueline has created is welcoming, inspiring, and uplifting. It’s so much more than a writing community. I write more now than ever, with the energy of the group, the educational workshops, and monthly Q&A.”

    Jackie, Yoga Teacher & Life Coach

  • "I think I’m actually becoming a better writer. (I can’t believe I’m even saying that!)"


  • "It's AMAZING, I have the confidence to be myself in my writing."


Intuitive Writing School Icon in gold displaying a crescent moon, stars, and the sun's rays

“The community members are a highly supportive, productive group of badass business owners. Being a part of this collective helped my productivity skyrocket. I'm a better business owner and human since working with Jacqueline and the other shiny people in this group.”

Andrea, Author & Mindset Coach


Commit to finding your voice.

Commit to your soul’s work.

Commit to your writing.


A peek at all the live writing-focused sessions you can attend.

There’s no limit — you can attend all sessions as many times as you like!

✍️ Co-Writing & Chill - 90-minutes

Co-working with a writing focus is the heart of the writing community. Twice a week, we gather on Zoom with audio only, declare what we're working on, and check in at the end. I might also share a few prompts to get started. These are quiet writing/working sessions. Folks might ask questions in the chat if they get stuck. These are fast and fun sessions to focus. 

6x each month or more.

💻 Workshops - 60-90min (recorded)

We'll have workshops led by me or other experts once a month (occasionally more often). You'll know in advance when these are coming up so you can prepare your questions.

1x a month or more.

👩‍💻 Coaching & Feedback - 90 minutes

Unlike the quiet Co-Writing & Chill sessions, these are for live feedback and discussion. We'll cover as much live feedback as we can in 90 minutes.

These are active and lively sessions where you'll learn TONS from seeing the suggestions I share with others. You’re also welcome to come and write if you don’t want feedback.

1x a month.

☕️ Cacao & Connect - 1 hour

These are casual chats where I might have a prompt or two to kick us off. Get to know your fellow intuitive writers, talk about writing and business trends, and enjoy each others' company.

1x a month on the last Wednesday.

🌕 Full Moon Focused AF Co-writing - 3 hours

Focused, quiet writing to go really deep on one project or a few projects. After each hour of writing, you'll get a reminder to take breaks, and then we'll celebrate everyone's progress during the last few minutes.

1x a month around the full moon.

📅 Monthly Planning Party - 1 hour

At the start of each astrological season, we’ll use this focused session to plan your business and writing activities for the coming month and get answers to all your planning questions.

Get endless content inspiration!

🌑 Integration Week - 1 week/month

We're action-takers, and we need rest, too. Once a month, typically around the new moon, there are no scheduled community events. Use this time to catch up on workshops you missed, revisit templates, and integrate everything you've been learning here. This is also a great time to block your own calendar so you can go deeper into your writing projects.

This is a membership where you’ll never be behind!

1x a month.



“The community has changed my life! I have gotten more writing done in the last 8 months than any many years of my life. With Jacqueline's insight, workshops and community I've gained confidence and tools for success. This is one of the best investments I've ever made for myself. Thank you!”

Dana, Health Coach & Writer

“I’ve been here for years because of your vibe, upbeat, positive, go-get-em attitude. You can tell that you care a lot about us, that you love writing, and you do a great job of nurturing the community. I enjoy the membership offerings because they keep it supportive and fresh. The workshop library is a wonderful resource and the writing marathons encourage me to show up live. Thanks for keeping us writing and growing our businesses.”

Jackie, Yoga Teacher & Membership Leader

“I’m a copywriter by profession and a creative idealist by nature. When I became a Writing Community member, I finally found the committed and flexible focus I needed to prioritize writing for my own business. What’s come out of it is a productive spiral of getting things done in less time, so I can open another creative can of worms that keeps the innovative juices flowing. The ease and ‘go with the writing flow’ attitude of this group is also not indicative of the business prowess these folks have; the business acumen and tricks of the trade I’ve learned here are absolutely invaluable too. I’m so grateful to be here.”

Caroline, Copywriter

“I love how welcoming and informal the writing community is. If I have time to be there for the full co-writing session, that’s great. If I can only participate for a part of it, that’s perfect too. If I’m there twice a week every week; awesome. And when I’ve been absent for a while, I can just pick it up where I left off whenever I’m ready. The community is always there, and gives me some external structure to get stuff done and not feel so alone in the solitary activity of writing.”

Marleen, Writer

“In the beginning, I was a bit apprehensive about joining—I love to write; however, I didn't think my writing style would compare to the great writers in the group. Since joining the community, I've become more confident about my writing.

So far, I've written and launched my website, contributed and published a chapter for a book collaboration project, drafted blog posts, revamped content for a workshop, and developed content for a couple of client websites. I love the weekly motivational and thought-provoking community posts and emails. They keep me accountable to myself, and inspire me to simply write something.

It's a great investment for yourself with massive results — growth personally and professionally, networking opportunities, amazing workshops, and continued support.”

Angela, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author, IT Professional & Empowerment Influencer

“I wondered if I'd take enough advantage of the writing time. I've accomplished a lot — wrote my new website and a few email campaigns, chapters of a novel, and worked on many client projects.

Jacqueline is very good at holding space and setting the tone for getting to work. I appreciate the collective creativity, learning from the shared feedback, and how easy it is to jump on and work without a lot of fanfare.”

Madeleine, Message Strategist, Editor + Book Guide

“I love the accountability & support. Even if it’s not what I set out to write, I’m writing and posting.”

Sabrina, Editor


Finally, the time, accountability, and sacred space you need to unlock your intuitive writing practice.


Co-Creating With the Divine


There’s something magical about how much you can create (and the quality of your words) when you’re surrounded by others also focusing on growth and expansion.

palo santo, selenite, sage, and crystals
I’ve found my rhythm with writing & fell in love with the practice of writing again.

It’s not just good for my business, it’s good for me.

It’s like a need I didn’t realize I had and was starving for.

I feel more nourished.
— Member

Choose your intuitive writing adventure


Best if you want motivation and light feedback

✔️ Daily writing prompts

✔️ Weekly writing tips

✔️ 10+ hours of facilitated, live co-writing sessions each month

✔️ Monthly workshops & the vault of all workshops

✔️ Special events to fuel your momentum

✔️ An incredible support system

✔️ Growing Resource Library of 35+ templates, guides, and swipe files for content and copywriting, social media planning, and more

✔️ Monthly Coaching calls for coaching and on-demand feedback 

$99/month or $990/year


High-touch support & plus a monthly coaching call for new bloggers, authors, & copywriters

✔️ Daily writing prompts

✔️ Weekly writing tips

✔️ 10+ hours of facilitated, live co-writing sessions each month

✔️ Monthly workshops & the vault of all workshops

✔️ Special events to fuel your momentum

✔️ An incredible support system

✔️ Growing Resource Library of 35+ templates, guides, and swipe files for content and copywriting, social media planning, and more

✔️ Monthly Coaching calls for coaching and on-demand feedback 


✔️ Monthly 1-hour 1:1 Coaching Call to review copy & discuss strategy

✔️ Weekly private copy reviews for feedback on up to 2,000 words each month


The key to being a productive online writer is to use your thinking skills less and your intuitive gifts more.

“Just who you ARE and what you offer put me in that place where it was able to click. Absolutely part of your magic! Grateful to have a little of your magic sparkles come my way.”

- Member

Momentum Membership

Every month
Every year

✓ 10+ hours of live group co-writing time
✓ Group coaching & strategy monthly call
✓ Growing resource library with 35+ templates & swipe files
✓ Community of smart, big-hearted creative business owners
✓ Access to writing challenges throughout the year

Momentum Membership

Every month
Every year

✓ Everything members get PLUS...
✓ Monthly 60-minute coaching call
✓ Weekly Private Copy Reviews — up to 2000 words/month

Top Questions About the Community


Co-writing is co-working with a writing focus. We meet on Zoom, audio-only. We say hello in the first few minutes and declare what we'll work on. Then I check in five minutes before we wrap. If you're in the flow, there's no need to check in—keep writing!

It's also okay if you can only come for a bit or run late. Use the co-writing times to pop in and write as much as possible. Many members start with writing morning pages (don't worry, you'll learn about this).


These are lively and active sessions where you can get on-demand feedback on your writing and answers to your writing questions. You'll also learn TONS from seeing the feedback I share with others.

Of course, if you don't want feedback, come hang out and enjoy the high-vibe writing space.


Nope! But after sitting there doing nothing for a few minutes, you'll probably want to. You can also write morning pages, bring journal prompts, and do some freewriting for inspiration. Some business owners like to come and co-work because working with friends is more fun than working alone. Sometimes, members use the space to watch our workshop replays. Whatever you need, I'll be your guide to hold the energy in the facilitated sessions for maximum creativity.


This is for everyone who has words on their heart. Most business owners wouldn't consider themselves "writers," but they DO need to write (a lot) for their business. Whether you're writing your very first blog post, rewriting your website, wanting to write a book, or working on your 11th manuscript, this community is for you. If you want to feel good while writing, you'll love it here.


This community is for anyone with writing to do for their business or personal projects — books, website copy, sales emails, blog posts, and more. You'll get an opportunity each month to get feedback on your writing during our 90-minute coaching calls. Think: a blog post, sales page, sales email, so social post, website page, a bio. Choose. the mastery membership option if you'd like a monthly private call & private feedback.


As many as you like! There are usually 8 or more opportunities and 10+ hours of facilitated writing time (led by me) available to you every month. Some members attend one a month, and uelsome attend all of them. Some members prefer to write alone and take advantage of the resource library, workshops, and community.


Members join us for our live calls from all over the globe. With members from Argentina to Hawaii to India to Spain, the variety of session times will ensure you can attend at least one live co-writing call weekly. Plus, the recordings of workshops are available 24 hours a day.


We're about grounded intuition and authentic living here. We co-create with the Divine, God, Jesus. We listen to our bodies and are fully present with life.


Yes! They're welcome in the community! They'll get the most results if they WANT to write. In other words, if they have no desire to improve their writing skills, then they won't enjoy it, and your money would be better invested elsewhere. This is also a great opportunity for your junior copywriters.


Yes! Depending on where you are, there's a success path to help you reach your writing goals. Whether you're just beginning, are moving your brick and mortar business online, or have been in business for 10 years, you'll find writing support here. This community isn't about adding one more thing to do — it's a buffet of items that will support your writing practice and business goals — when you need it.


On the day of the month, you sign up.


Stay as long as you like. To get the most out of your writing practice, you'll attend most co-writing sessions and workshops (even if you watch the replays) for at least three months. There are at least a dozen members who have been in the community for 6+ years since we started. I think you'll love it, too ;)

My job is to support you in prioritizing your writing and getting it done. When you take dedicated action, you WILL see the evidence. Your writing will get easier, and you'll get more done. Many members have been here for more than a year!


Committing to your writing (and everything else that needs your attention and your words) is a big deal. You owe it to yourself to do your work, and the Writing Community will hold you accountable and cheer you on! There's no option to pause, but you can cancel anytime.


Each month follows a similar rhythm with some variety. Sessions occur between 9am-5pm Eastern Time with some variety from week to week. You'll always have the schedule for a month or two ahead.


Yes! Come and write it with us! It's so much better than writing alone! Many members work on their first, second, or third books in here. There are authors and business owners working on fiction, nonfiction, and poetry here. You can access all the materials I used to launch and market my last book, Intuitive Writing, PLUS watch behind the scenes as I write and edit my third book.

Questions before joining?

Email hi@theintuitivewritingschool.com