5 Ways To Find Your Writing Flow With This Aquarius New Moon — PLUS some writing prompts
When you slide up to your laptop to write, do the words ever feel just out of reach?
Maybe you remember a time when the words poured out so quickly and wonder why you can’t write like that all the time.
This sometimes can create a thought loop:
Why can’t I just write?
I want to write, why does it feel so hard today?
What’s the point of even writing this?
Listen, every writing session might feel different.
You've changed
The weather has shifted
Your hormones are different
The moon is in a different phase and sign
No matter what's going on in nature, though, every writing session can feel AMAZING. We just need to manage the flow of energy.
Our words might have a different flavor every time we write.
This is great news — if we FLOW with it and not force it.
♒️ This week, there's a new moon happening in Aquarius (Wednesday, January 29, at 7:36 am EST).
If you're reading this today as I write this article, it's a few days ahead of the new moon.
🌘 So, right now, the moon is in its waning phase.
When the moon is waning, less light is reflected back from the sun — it's like swapping out your super-bright blue light for a soft red bulb.
With less light from the outside, the invitation is to look inside. With less light, you may have less energy and crave quiet and solitude. How you feel depends on your body, of course, too, but the moon affects us all, which is why I weave it into my intuitive writing practice.
🌑 Here’s how to work with the new moon in your writing practice:
Here's how to find your flow with it:
Go slow. If you can move some meetings to later in the week or even next week, do it. This is not the week to plan a 12-hour writing session — unless it flows and feels really good.
Reflect on what's coming up for you. What feels important? What's trying to get your attention? What signs and synchronicities are showing up?
Reflect on some writing decisions that have been on your mind. The answer is likely to become clear during this time. Decide to decide around the new moon. Knowing you'll decide on a specific date frees up the energy it takes from rolling around this decision in your mind for weeks on end.
Day dream and do some future-focused writing on whatever comes up. Let yourself dream big while FEELING into the emotions coming up.
Write from your body, not your brain. Imagine shifting your focus from your brain to your heart. Before writing this week, move your body, dance, sit in the sun, or walk barefoot in the snow or grass. And when it’s time to write, write without judging, editing, or thinking.
Here are some writing prompts to go deep with this Aquarius new moon:
Remember, writing prompts are intended to get us started — not to procrastinate with.
I rewrite my story?
If I could write anything at all, I would be…
I'm creating change…
I'm here to…
I improve…
If you find these recommended actions and writing prompts helpful, this is the kind of advice you'll get in Finding Flow — a 29-day live writing experience to transform your relationship with writing.